I was watching an interesting documentary on the Rococo period and they mentioned how the Lay Carmelites raised money through selling scapulars. When I saw the image of someone wearing a set around their neck, it brought back a memory of actually having a set when I was a kid. I knew it was something religious, but never more than that. Apparently, a chap named Simon Stock saw the Virgin Mary back in 1251 and she handed him the first scapular. He became a saint, and it is said that those who wear the scapular, and are of good behavior, have a ticket to heaven. Needless to say, the scapulars were very popular. A few bits in exchange for a ticket to heaven sounds like a great deal. Apparently, they built the Sala Capitolare in the Scuola Grande dei Carmini on proceeds from their sales. The painting from below (by Tiepolo) is on the ceiling of the place. You can see the angel handing Simon the Scapular.
